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Katharine Donovan Kane
Deepen Wisdom with Dreams
"Synchronistic occurrences are easily dismissed,
but they are powerful reminders that
a sense of mystery surrounds us. "
Interview in Cavas Rebel Magazine
Katharine interviewed about taking risks. She offers stories and insights from her experiences.
Interview with Dr. Katherine Kelly
Host of The Soul of Healing Collaborative Group on Alignable, Dr. Katherine Kelly interviews me on Inner Wisdom Wayfinding & Dreamwork - my specialty as a Spiritual Life Coach.
Free Dream Circle Session
Interested in experiencing how a dream circle works before you commit to an 8-session series? Register for a one-time complimentary session on Thursday, September 19 at 1:00 pm ET (US/CA). The shortened one-hour session will give you an overview of the dream circle process.
The Healing Power of Joy Wayfinding Retreat
Embrace joy in a women's international online retreat for connection and renewal. This three-hour wayfinding retreat will gently explore the greening of your inner landscape, the joy of re-imagining a fresh beginning. Saturday, February 3, 2024. 11:00 AM ET (US/CA). Replay available.
Soul's Homecoming. Book Launch Anniversary
Friend and mentor Rev NóirÃn Nà Riain, PhD wrote in my book's forward, "this book is a practical, informative meditation that will awaken the spirit of the mystic in every seeker. Katharine has truly travelled this soul journey herself."
I invite you to gift my book to anyone who loves to look beyond what our eyes see to the other side of things.
I invite you to gift my book to anyone who loves to look beyond what our eyes see to the other side of things.
Featured article Ordinary Mystic, Abbey of the Arts blog
Though I see and feel the sacred exemplified in nature I still sense a tug of resistance to fully owning myself as a mystic. Who am I after all? I’m ordinary.
Hosting a Dream Circle with Katharine Donovan Kane
Join me on the HSP podcast to learn about dream circles.
Remembering Dreams Article on
Sensitive Empowerment Community Blog
Talk Featured in Sensitive Empowerment Community
This online HSP community has a wonderful video library. You'll find Katharine's talk on Dream Circles there.
Instructor in Hagitude Program
Katharine is a part of the team for Sharon's Hagitude Program, a year long program that is reimagining the second half of life for women.
(YouTube) Katharine on Inner Wisdom & Change of Season
Katharine goes back to Lake Michigan to experience the change of seasons. She asks how we are allowing ourselves to slow down and reset our priorities to hear the vibrations of our inner wisdom as the season begins transition.
(YouTube) Katharine Gives an Introduction to Dreams
Katharine introduces her favorite subject: Dreams. They are very important ways in which our inner wisdom communicates with us.
(YouTube) Types of Dreams
Katharine briefly discusses different types of dreams. She mentions that there is a section of her book - Soul's Homecoming - where she talks about styles of dreams such as healing dreams, standards dreams, and nightmares.
Dream Circles Feature Article on
Dream Circles offer highly sensitive persons a safe place to process dream messages that are coming forward.
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