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Instruction & Speaking

KDKane Spiral

Katharine Donovan Kane is available for small and large group presentations. Online format is preferred. Contact Katharine by email or make an appointment for more information.


As a former teacher, career mentor and a mother of four, Katharine has always exercised her gift of guidance and support. Now, as a deep listening guide and coach, some of Katharine's favorite work is instruction.


She offers coursework for groups small and large on a range of topics such as What Are Dream Circles and How Do They Work? Reasons That We Don’t Remember Dreams. How Do I Begin To Work With My Dreams? Beyond The Interpretation Of Dreams The Living Image Awaits. Allowing Your Intuition To Step Forward Through Visio Divina, An Ancient Visual Meditation.


Katharine has worked internationally with partners and organizations to design talks and presentations to help illuminate why tapping into your Inner Wisdom is so important. She is often sought after to present on dreams, including how to set up non-therapeutic Dream Circles. Typically teaching sessions are to groups as small as 5 and as large as 200 or more. There is nothing she enjoys more than seeing curiosity transform to clarity in the eyes of an audience, and empowering others to connect with their inner truth.


Katharine likes to begin the process of designing a talk with the host(s) through a discovery session in which she will develop a deeper understanding of the audience, their level of experience with similar subject matter and, most importantly, their interests and needs. After determining an ideal format and covering more technical details, Katharine works to custom tailor her program. 


You've felt drawn from within to uncover your unique story. This is a message from your inner guidance. You are ready to more fully connect with your essential self so let's begin.


If you have further questions, please register for a Discovery CallEnjoy a 10% discount with your first package booking. Receive more details during your Discovery Call.


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