Cathy Smith Bowers, who was the sixth poet laureate of North Carolina from 2010-2012, said in a recent workshop that “the abiding image is the same as a waking dream. Poetry begins with a single abiding image that has stayed with us and hasn’t let go. It's a specific image that grabs us and helps us get to the deeper meaning it holds.”

This is what my Deep Listening sessions and Dreamwork groups are about. Your inner self is communicating with you all the time through your body, your insights, your night dreams and waking dreams, as wel
l as your imagination. I've created a meditative exercise that encourages the emergence of your abiding image, your abiding energy, and your abiding dreams – the ones that take hold of you – and step forward so that your inner wisdom’s message is heard in a deeper way.
You can access the full video here on my YouTube Channel. Please remember to add a comment and subscribe. Enjoy.